Sustainability in Miniature Golf Course Design: Eco-Friendly Practices and Solutions

We love getting to know our clients’ unique goals and ideas as miniature golf course designers. While there is always a note about custom theming or stunning nighttime lighting that terraforms a space, a recent trend has been to use more eco-friendly designs during construction.

Like full-size golf courses, miniature golf spaces need to consider how to best emulate a natural space and conserve energy. Not only is this wise for getting along with the community where your course is installed, but it lowers most monthly expenses through conservation. Here are some details we have learned about over the years.

Eco-Friendly Practices in Course Design

  • Sustainable Land Use: As our miniature golf course designer team hops into action, we may mention studying local ecosystems or soil analysis. Understanding the biodiversity of where your course will sit helps inform what considerations you’ll need to make for local flora, fauna, and more.
  • Water Conservation: Always seek out innovative irrigation systems that account for rainfall, drought-resistant plants, mobile monitoring devices, and more. You want to show people you are active in your resource management (not to mention lower your monthly water bill).
  • Energy Efficiency: LED lighting is a must. There are many advances in this technology that will maintain the ambiance you want while leveraging the low energy consumption of LEDs. Using timers, motion sensors, and other advanced systems will also improve your energy consumption.
  • Sustainable Material: As our miniature golf course designer team builds, we can lean toward materials that are recyclable, sustainably sourced, or locally procured. That reduces your environmental impact and helps promote a circular economy.

Innovative Solutions for Sustainability

Besides the basic concepts we’ve outlined, there are some more advanced solutions you may want to consider. Our miniature golf course designers like to suggest green roofing or vertical gardens. This will help reduce water runoff, improve air quality, and add an ecological aesthetic your guests will appreciate.

You can also use organic fertilizers to keep the pests away without harming sensitive guests or the local biodiversity. There are options for water elements and keeping the weed population under control.

Finally, feel free to encourage the community to get involved. You will be surprised at how many people come out to help you find eco-friendly solutions for your golf course. This will endear you to the community and provide you with a valuable marketing tool while improving your business structure.


Our miniature golf course designer team at Horwath Miniature Golf Courses is well-equipped to help you find the best eco-friendly insights you need for a quality design and installation. We work with a wide range of clients and have seen many of the innovative technologies that ensure a more sustainable outcome.
Give us a call today, and let’s discuss how to turn your new miniature golf into a green course, advocating for a healthier planet and providing fun all your guests can enjoy.

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